Thursday, February 1, 2018

Week 22: Do we trust him? Hard is good!!

This past week we had transfers, a training meeting to get our trainees (or "Greenies") and then went home and continued on with normal early-rising, hard-working missionary life, and it was so exhausting! But, as Sister Hinckley said, "When I get to heaven I want to be exhausted, because then I know I've lived my life to the fullest, and tried my hardest to do the Lord's work!" (I think she said something like that- that's the extremely paraphrased version 😂).

Daphne and Jaidyn got sick this week and weren't able to make it to church (the flu is going around pretty bad and it stinks!) and then Chuck and Shara got a little nervous about going to church and meeting so many new people and felt a bit overwhelmed. So, we planned a time to take them on a chapel tour and show them the building in hopes that that'll help them see it's not too scary or different and will help give them the courage to come next Sunday!
My new companion is Sister Bradshaw, and she's from Queencreek, AZ. She's 4'11" and makes me feel so tall, haha, but she's an amazing missionary and has such a great testimony and so much excitement for the work, it's a lot of fun working alongside her and helping guide that "Greenie fire" (I guess I see why they call it that) to find people who are looking for the gospel, and to teach those we already have found!
I'm out of time and so I can't go into more depth of all of the amazing miracles we've seen throughout every day, but I just wanted to let you all know that this is the Lord's work and He's guiding it and as you visit people at the perfect time to catch them and are guided to say the thing they need to hear, you get to catch glimpses of all of the miraculous workings His hand has in every aspect of your life, and I'm eternally grateful for Him and for my Savior, and I love them both so much!
Love you guys!
P.S. the title is a GC talk, listen to it if you haven't, it's great!
Sister Wilcox ðŸ˜ŠðŸ’›✌

My companion Sister Bradshaw.

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