Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 27: Transfers

This week is transfers (so p-day was moved to Tuesday) and next week we get to go to the Meridian temple as a zone! (so p-day will be Friday). It's a long stretch, but well worth it for the temple! It'll be cool to go inside now that's it's dedicated, after all of those hours of helping with the open house!

Sister Bradshaw is still being trained, so we're both staying in Nampa, and I'm glad. I love the people here and it's too soon to leave! She just started driving, so I'm happy (it stresses me out; and I got a ticket 😑 so that stunk) but things have been going great with the work!
This Thursday, we planned on doing our weekly planning and then wanted to catch up on 12-week training (for new missionaries) and, just as we were about to start, the other Sisters called needing our help for something. So, we dropped everything and went and helped them for a bit, then, when we got home, attempted once more to start our planning. Again, however, as we were about to start, we got a text from one of our investigators saying she wasn't feeling well and we offered to find someone to give her a priesthood blessing! She said that that sounded good and we spent the next hour or so helping her with that. Then, after the blessing, she asked if we could help her out with dinner. She gave us a soup recipe that we offered to help her make for dinner and ran to Wal-Mart for some of the ingredients. One our way out, we saw a needy woman with a sign that said, "Single Mom, Anything Helps," so, naturally, we went and bought her a hot chocolate and when we went back to give it to her we had a long discussion with her about where she was from and her story and she said she was familiar with the church and had recently thought about going, and saw this as a sign that she should! We gave her a Book of Mormon and said we'd pass her info on to the missionaries that cover her area and she was excited about learning more about the peace and comfort that comes through Christ our Savior! 😁 It was cool to see how the Lord made us instruments in His hands to bless and find His children who were in need, even though it wasn't what we had originally planned on doing that day. As we were willing to go where He wanted us to go, simply by being willing to help those in need, He let us see His hand in the guidance He gave to us that led us to touch the lives of people we didn't even know! But He knew them! And He knew we'd listen and would help them. 😊

In Bunnell, some of our missionaries a couple of years ago did a 40-day ward fast for missionary opportunities that ended on Easter Sunday (which my mom signed our family up for the last day, so we were all sitting in our beds listening to General Conference with chocolate tempting us downstairs all day long that Easter) but miracles came! So, we suggested it to our ward council a while ago in the ward that we cover that has a bit less work going on, and as the families have been fasting day-to-day, the miracles have been coming! 😊 (and, again, we have the last day on General Conference and Easter Sunday 😌)

One miracle was that a referral that we finally were able to contact, we taught the first discussion to, and they've moved in recently and are looking for a church to go to and said they'd come with us next week, and, also, that they'll read and ponder the Book of Mormon for themselves and they'll ask God if it is His word! I'm excited for them to add to the truths they treasure and to come to know their Savior and His gospel even more through the revealed truths that were restored through the prophet Joseph Smith that are found within the Book of Mormon. 😊

We also were trying to contact some potential we met a few weeks ago, and decided to knock on the house next door when they didn't answer, and a Christian family was home who, though the parents said they weren't super interested themselves, their 9 year old daughter, R, said she wanted to learn more and they said it's her choice and gave us their number so we could come back and teach her. When we saw her outside playing a few days later, she thanked us for the Book of Mormon we had given her and said that she was still super excited for us to come back!
As we teach her, I hope the Spirit will bring the truth of our message to the hearts of her parents as well, so they can all draw closer to their Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ and they can all choose to make those covenants that will allow them to be together as a family forever and have everlasting joy and eternal life. 😊

Also, Jaidyn's baptism is this Saturday morning! I'm excited for her to enter the gate of baptism and embark on the straight and narrow path that leads to endless peace and comfort and blessings from her Savior and her loving Father in Heaven!

I invite all of you to look for ways to be the Lord's instruments this week by simply being willing to lift others who are in need, and I know the Lord will use you as an instrument in His hands to bring forth mighty good in the world and to touch those who are hurting or in need!

Love you all- sorry it got long,
Sister Wilcox
 1. Bailey is the cutest guard dog- she sits on her chair and watches out the front window 24/7! She's adorable 😊

2. Cutest calendar everrr! Thanks family!
3. Reindeer thingy I saw..
4. We thought the horse was dead..... it was just sleeping apparently. 🙄
5. Sister Jensen is going home! 😭💛

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