Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Week 78: Weird Weather and the Animals of Emmett


Hey guys!

So next pday is the departing temple trip, meaning pday isn't until Thursday! I'll email if I still find time, but this might be the last time you hear from me!! Who really knows anymore.. ðŸ™„🤔

Anyways, I decided to send you guys videos this week because I feel like they pretty much sum up what it's like serving in Idaho. It goes from being sunny and warm to snowing (or even hailing outside!). And everyone has animals. Everyone.

Tomorrow is my last MLC ðŸ˜–😭 then we're going on our last set of exchanges, too! Things are coming to a close. It's weird and scary, but exciting! And then on Saturday Sisters Yeates, Bradshaw, Hopkins and I are going up to Baker for Desiree's baptism!!!!! And we get to see Sisters Estes and Saunders up there! I'm so excited! ðŸ’›

This week we started teaching Tucker, someone who was introduced to the church by his fiance and her family a while ago. He has already read the Book of Mormon a time and a half on his own! We also had a good lesson with the Johnsons (who are the sweetest family!) and met so many other great new people and had a lot of lessons with our usual friends, too.

It's been awesome being able to meet so many of God's children in the last year and a half. To get to know people where they're at, to have hope and love for them as I've been blessed to see who they are and who they have the potential to become through Christ's perspective.

There is no greater work than this. One point someone made at district council the other day is that the Lord doesn't need missionaries, or members, or anyone's help really to do His work.
As the prophet Joseph Smith said, "The truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, til it has penetrated every continent, visited every climb, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, til the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the great Jehovah shall say, 'The work is done!'" (Joseph Smith's Statement, 'The Standard of Truth')
It's not because He needs our help that He calls us to this work. Rather, He's blessing us to have the opportunity to take part in it! As we give our lives to Him and let Him make us instruments in His hands, He, in turn, molds us into the people we didn't even know we could become. Our joy is made more full than we before comprehended, and that joy is lasting. It is eternal!

For everyone who is reading this who has served missions or participated in missionary work, keep living so that you can have this fullness of joy that comes as we share God's truth of eternal Salvation with all of His children! You've felt it before, and you can feel it always! And for those of you who haven't experienced this Alma 27:16-18 makes-Ammon-faint-because-it's-so-full joy before, you can!!!

As we simply reach out in love to those around us the Lord puts us where we need to be to bless and touch those in need. Those who are searching for the truth who "know not where to find it" (Doctrine and Covenants 123:11-17) will finally find the peace and wholeness that the gospel brings. They will be brought to "sing the song of redeeming love" (Alma 5:26) as we are, and we will have a fullness of joy with them.

So, my invitation to you is to pray. Pray to be made instruments in His hands. Pray for Him to use you to answer another's prayers- then act! As we simply try our best to be good, to love, and to serve, we will be used by God, the Greatest of All, to bless others. Because He loves us, and He wants us to feel the same joy He feels as He's centered His purpose (or His "work and [His] glory") "to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life." (Moses 1:39)

I'll see you all soon! This week just "try a little harder to be a little better." (President Hinckley) That's all He asks. ðŸ˜Š
You will see miracles. Promise.

I love you all!
Sister Wilcox

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