Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Week 75: Only 5 Weeks left?

Hi guys!
This will probably be a short email because these things are a lot of effort to write.. sorry.
But this week we had some really cool things happen.

First, Tom, an older guy who's super gruff and swears at least once every lesson (though I think now we're down to almost only once, so progress!!) got sick and wasn't feeling very well. While we were teaching him, the sister that came with us offered to have him get a blessing if he'd like and he said yes. So, we called up our ward mission leader who got ahold of the bishop and together they went to give Tom a blessing to help him heal from whatever was causing him pain. We didn't get to go to the blessing (because no third female was going :/) but we talked to Brother Weekes afterwards and he told us it went well!
Haha so apparently he and Bishop Church showed up to Tom's house and started talking to him, explaining further what a priesthood blessing was, how it's God's power he's given to men on earth to use to bless His children and to help us. As they were talking, however, there was a knock at the door and the JW's showed up! Brother Weekes is super funny, so naturally he invited them in to be a part of the religious learning. As they were awkwardly sitting there Tom apparently said, "There's gonna be a holy war in my living room!" as he was cracking up. 😂 Oh, Tom.
But after a bit they left and then Tom got  blessing of health and even teared up a bit! It was awesome to hear how he was touched by God's power as our Heavenly  Father loves Him so much and is very much aware of Him and the progress he's making to come to know of and follow Him better in his life.

Another great lesson we had was with Victoria. She was able to feel and discern the Spirit as we talked to her about it and watched Elder Bednar's patterns of light videos (the best!). We invited her to be baptized and have a soft date set, and hopefully next week we can make it real as she continues to pray and journal the thoughts and feelings she gets as she prays and reads in the Book of  Mormon this week!

And we taught Adysen, a 9 year old girl, who literally is genius and so guided by the spirit! She comes up with analogies to teach us back the things we tell her to show us she's understanding- a lot like Aaron Brown. 😊💛 Kids are amazing!

Anyways a lot of other stuff happened too, but overall it was just cool to see (once again!) how the Lord works with us as we try our best to help other people. He makes us into the tools that He knows can help them!
And He does it because He loves us all.

Love you guys!
Sister Wilcox

P.S. it snowed again 😑 a lot.

Pics: snow, and me in a random silo because it's Idaho

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